Our fees

We understand the need for certainty, transparency and predictability in understanding employment lawyer costs

We remember the frustration of obtaining approval and purchase orders for legal costs only to receive surprise invoices far in excess of the approved amount. That’s why we offer our clients choice in billing methods wherever possible:

Fixed fee / value pricing model

For clients who prefer cost certainty, we offer a fixed fee/value priced model. We will provide a detailed estimate of our fees at the outset of your matter, so you know what to expect. Our fees will align with your approved purchase orders, so there are no surprises when it comes to billing.

Standard hourly rates

Where a matter is more uncertain or for clients who prefer the traditional time-based billing method, we offer competitive hourly rates for our legal services. We charge in six-minute increments and if requested, will provide you with a detailed account of the time spent on your matter. Our clients can be confident that they are only paying for the time we spend working on their matter, providing transparency and control over their legal costs.

Transparent communication

Whichever method you choose, Workable Law & IR will communicate regularly and transparently with you regarding your legal fees. We are happy to answer any questions you might have about our pricing structures.